Monday, 1 June 2015





Prepared by: Nurul Tasneem Binti D.M. Premnajeeb
Matrix No: SX142736HAFF04

01 JUNE 2015

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1.    Definition: Socialization of Family Members

Family would generally be defined as a group of two or more people related in many ways. Either via matrimonial, biological or adoption and are residing together.

Households are a key importance when it comes to a family, whereby the people residing in the same house and consuming food from a common kitchen at least once a day.

This process includes imparting to their children the basic principles and methods of behavior consistent with the ethnicity, which generally are moral and religious principles, interpersonal skills, dress and grooming standards. Also included are, appropriate etiquettes and speech and the selection of suitable learning and profession goals.

2 2.    How Family Members influence each other

A family consists of Parents, Siblings, Spouse, Grandparents and Relatives.  Therefore, what ever and individual imbibes from his/her family becomes a culture towards them individually. In other words, what he/she witnesses (good or bad) during her childhood up to adulthood, would turn into a habit or a lifestyle.

This proves to us, that family is by far the most important influential group and thus, the most basic consumption unit for most consumer goods and services.

2 3.     Functions of Family 

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Case Study: How do family members influence and purchasing power meet

Ever wondered why we always end up having the same items and use the same service providers, same brands etc. within our family circle? Ever walked into your parents home, aunt’s homes and even cousins homes and mention “hey! I too use the same”?

I have come to realize that this factor is very common in my family. And not only amongst my parents, my siblings and me, but also amongst my aunties and cousins.
Therefore I dug a little deeper and did a full on research on this case study. Why do we all have the same goods and use the same services? Co-incidence? I think not. And I have proven myself to be utterly true on my hypothesis.

During my research, I came to realize that Women have THE purchasing power in all households compared to the breadwinners, Men. Thus, not being a sexist, men too, have the upper hand on purchasing power. However, men are more into home appliances example, which television set is better, or which car drives further.

Women on the other hand, we have a wide range of purchasing power. Household goods, service providers, clothes wear, children activities enrolment, shoes, electrical appliances, linens, towels, personal hygiene brands, wall paint colors, and the list goes on. Call me crazy, but majority of women also decided on men’s underclothing brands. Need not to agree with me, as I am pretty sure the fat lady in the room is laughing.

Back to my research, and proving that women has the higher influence and purchasing power decision making, I shall walk you through on a very small sub category of goods purchased by woman to prove that family is the key influence in purchasing decisions worldwide.

How you may ask? Let me walk you through what I have experienced first handedly after I got married.

As newlyweds, my husband and I (more like I) stocked up our household goods from food brands, to plate wear, even to linens and dishwashing detergents and surprisingly even up to electronic gadgets and service providers which were all identical as my mothers collections etc. As we walked the isles of the grocery store especially, everything I touched or chose or even looked at, all reasons were “because mommy uses it” or “found it! Just like mom’s”.

There are moments when my husband and I would bicker in the isle for a certain brand that he picked and he used the same sentence as me. “Mak uses this. We should too” or “This is what Mak has been using and it works”. But I came to realize that I always won weather to choose my mom’s loyal brands vs his mom’s loyal brands. And the women win. Don’t get me wrong, most men who are reading this would jump in and say, “Oh, your husband is being nice and letting you win.” 

No! The fact here proves indeed that we, (Point1) women have the purchasing power in decision-making. Now, why do I end up picking the exact same things my mother own? It is due to brand loyalty. As my facts above: what ever and individual imbibes from his/her family becomes a culture towards them individually. In other words, what he/she witnesses (good or bad) during her childhood up to adulthood, would turn into a habit or a lifestyle.

I’m pretty sure I just managed to switch on many light bulbs after coming to realize that yes it does indeed happen in our everyday lives. So how does this affect the consumer behavior?  Every household, from their mothers, to their sisters, to their cousins would all be using the same familiar things they were brought up with. In other words we could break it down to brand loyalty.

In proving my research correct, I took the liberty to head out to my mother’s sister’s home, my cousins from my mother’s side even my own elder sister. And yes!! We ALL do own the same food brands (Heinz, Mc Cormick, Bertolli,Naturel, San Remo) the same plates (Corelle, Pyrex, Luminarc, Vision) up to the same electrical goods brand which we only trust Kenwood & Kitchen-Aid.

I then gathered all these ladies in my life and asked them one simple question. Why did you choose these brands instead of trying something new? And all of them turned to their respective mothers and said, (Point 2) “Cause mom uses it and that’s all I know off”. And the multi million dollar question was to the mom’s and they pointed at my grandmother who is aged 84 years old, who also added that her mother (my great grandmother) influenced her in her buying decision and purchasing decision too.

With this theory, I can proudly say that Heinz, Mc Cromick, Luminarc and Kenwood and more
has been serving us, more than three generations with their goods and we have ever been loyal to them.  And it will carry on up till to my children and grand children and so on (unless we are jinxed with all son’s in our generation)

Intergenerational Socialization: Quite common for certain product loyalties or brand preferences to be transferred from one generation to another
 – Intergenerational brand transfer -  maybe for even three or four generations within the same family. 

With this, I rest my case and urge each and every one of you who HAS the purchasing power to look and see all the familiar items in your house and link them to someone close to you in your family. 

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1.     Consumer Behavior (ninth edition) by Leon G. Schiffman & Leslie Lazar Kanuk – Pearson

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