Name : Abdul Rauf Bin Ayub Khan
Matrix Number : SX122789HAFF04
Matrix Number : SX122789HAFF04
is a powerful and diverse industry that is directly associated with most
regions’ growth and economic vitality. The tourism industry has a dramatic
impact on the world’s economy and development. Holiday become a need to
consumer as they stress with their routines life. The study is about the process of how consumer selecting a
travel service packages, consumers consider certain important criteria
to identify the most suitable holiday according to their preferences,
expectations, budget, time and mood. A series of factors that influence held by
the brands of companies that are active in the tourist sector, over the manner
in which consumers choose a travel package, if it is available, and the extent
to which it is a determining factor in selecting a provider in the detriment of
others, or of a destination in the detriment of others.
Geographical location is a useful indicator of the things
that potential tourists want to see and experience in a certain tourist
destinations. The idea is that people who live in a certain locality (city,
region, etc.) have similar needs and wishes which differ from the needs and
wishes of people who live in other localities (country, continent, etc.).
Geographical distribution of the population is important due to the fact that
people who inhabit a certain region usually have or share the same values,
attitudes and preferences. Significant differences between regions are the
consequence of the differences in climate, social customs and other factors
such as culture or religion. Buying processes are complex,
sometimes involving many variables. Making false assumptions about these
processes can result in an otherwise good product or service not being bought.
Consumer buying is very
much influenced by cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors.
Personal factors consisting of tourists’ personality, self image, attitudes,
motivations, perceptions, life style, age, family life style and
profession. Personal factors are known
also as psychological factors or individual explicative variables which formed
by all the characteristics, beliefs, convictions, habits which represent a
coherent and stable response of the person at the stimulus from the external
environment. Attitude is a person’s predisposition to answer in a favourable or
unfavourable manner at the offer of a tourism product or service. It has a lot
of influence over the market position of tourism products. Besides that, motivations can be classified
into four categories which are:
physical motivations - as the desire to practice a sport area.
cultural motivations - as the desire to
visit a church or a museum
interpersonal motivations - as the
desire to socialize, to meet new people
prestige motivations - as the desire of
being appreciated.
Perception is a complex
process through which people select, organize and interpret sensory stimulation
into a meaningful picture of the world. Therefore, the same tourism destination
will be perceived differently by different tourists. Almost never will an
individual perceive reality completely and impartially. Perception improves
depending on how many stimuli a person perceives and on the capacity of keeping
them in mind. According to its perceptions and some well defined criteria, the
tourist can rank the tourism destinations and choose the one that he considers
optimal. Moreover, the age segments which rise interest in tourism marketing
from the behavior point of view. For example, young people have very different
tastes as regards products or services, as compared to old people. Also young
people tend to spend more than old people.
Social factors such as
culture, family or social level have a great influence on selection of holiday
vacation because they define the individual. Culture refers to traditions,
taboos, values and basic attitudes of the whole society within which an individual
lives. It is a framework in which individuals and their life-styles develop. In
a family, attitudes and opinions regarding different forms of tourism,
destinations, tourism agencies and etc are very easily transmitted. An
individual’s needs are likely to change as he or she goes through life. For
example, an individual moving from a bachelor stage to one with small children
makes the individual to reconsider its priorities, reflecting a different set
of needs. An individual’s behaviour is influenced by the phases of the family
life cycle.
The Buying Process
Consumers are likely to display various levels of
commitment, depending on the nature of the purchase. It has been suggested that
there are three such levels (Howard and Sneth, 1969), which are:
Extended problem solving
- In this situation, such as the decision to take a long-haul holiday, the consumer is likely to have a deep level of commitment, to make a detailed search for information, and to make an extensive comparison of the alternatives.
- In this situation, such as the decision to take a long-haul holiday, the consumer is likely to have a deep level of commitment, to make a detailed search for information, and to make an extensive comparison of the alternatives.
Limited problem solving
- In this situation, the consumer will have some degree of knowledge or experience already, but many factors will be taken for granted and the information search will be far more limited. A second holiday at a favorite skiing destination may be purchased in this way.
- In this situation, the consumer will have some degree of knowledge or experience already, but many factors will be taken for granted and the information search will be far more limited. A second holiday at a favorite skiing destination may be purchased in this way.
Habitual problem solving
- This is a repeat purchase of a tried and tested short break or day excursion, which requires little or no evaluation. The purchase is made primarily on the basis of a previous satisfactory experience and a good understanding of the destination or brand name of the tourism or hospitality offering.
- This is a repeat purchase of a tried and tested short break or day excursion, which requires little or no evaluation. The purchase is made primarily on the basis of a previous satisfactory experience and a good understanding of the destination or brand name of the tourism or hospitality offering.
Decrop and Snelders
(2005) suggest that six types of vacationers can be described which are
habitual, rational, hedonic, opportunistic, constrained and adaptable. Role
adoption will also influence the buying process, and it is proposed that there
are five roles (Engel, Blackwell and Miniard, 1990), which are:
- the person who starts the purchasing process and who gathers information.
- the person who starts the purchasing process and who gathers information.
- a person who expresses preferences in choice or selection of information. This can be a group of friends, relatives, or a partner.
- a person who expresses preferences in choice or selection of information. This can be a group of friends, relatives, or a partner.
- the person who has the financial control and possibly the authority within a group of people to make the purchase.
- the person who has the financial control and possibly the authority within a group of people to make the purchase.
- the person who actually makes the purchase, visits the travel agent, and obtains the tickets, and etc.
- the person who actually makes the purchase, visits the travel agent, and obtains the tickets, and etc.
- the person or person who consumes the purchase and actually goes on the trip.
- the person or person who consumes the purchase and actually goes on the trip.
The consumer
buying process for tourism is often regarded as similar to that for other
products and services. The assumption is that a consumer moves through a number
of stages leading up to a purchase.
The purpose of this
study was to identify and analyze the factors, which can influence consumers’
purchasing intention, regarding selecting holiday destination. It shows that
travelers’ general holiday preferences are very influential in vacation
destination and mode choice. Depending
on the types of tourists a country is targeting, the country can adapt its
marketing schemes to highlight the most relevant details about its vacation
spots. Furthermore, efforts should be undertaken to collect more comprehensive
information regarding individuals’ travel in the market, including specific
regions visited, activity participation, and time use. Consumer behaviour
research in tourism must take full account of these dimensions, and further
mine this rich context to better develop our understandings of how travel
behaviour interrelates with, and impacts upon, the broader consumption
- Decrop, A.
and D. Snelders. A grounded typology of vacation decision-making. Tourism
Management, Vol. 26,
2005, pp. 121-132.
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