Thursday, 28 May 2015

Nurshazwani : Motivating factor in making purchasing decisions to buy health products (supplement)

Name              : Nurshazwani Binti Sapian
Matrix   No      : SX105390HFD04
Semester       : SEm 2 2014/2015
Subject           : Consumer Behavior  SHF 2173

Title  : Motivating factor in making purchasing decisions to buy health products

               For me, what ever we do in our live, we need a motivation. Motivation is a driving force in the heart of a person to perform or achieve a goal or more simply known as inducement. According Malthis (2001) motivation is a desire within oneself that causes the person doing the action.
               At this time I wish to highlight the boost factor in making a decision to purchase health products. There are many factors to be taken into account in making a decision of whether the product will be selected. By using the comparison so they can make the best decisions for themselves and their loved ones around him.
           The main factor of concern is the psychological aspect of satisfaction with the use of products purchased. According to Tse and Wilton (1988) notion of customer satisfaction is the customer response to the perceived discrepancy evaluation after use. If users feel the positive effects of the intake of this health product or any product they will use, customers do not mind the price is important to complacency.The second factor, completeness (complete nutritional products) consumers will find the best quality products, high standards and achieve consumer expectations in terms of quality and functionality. For health products easier to see products that have long been on the market. Means that many users have been practiced and many are also getting positive results and healthy and getting healthy again. If the product quality is not maintained, then it will not last long on the market.
              The third aspect that needs to be seen is the value of money. Users will value the money spent to get the best results. Every penny spent is worth. Thus users will be able to compare prices offered in a store with another store or the price offered by each of these health products distributor. If the price is controlled by the central bid price may vary according to promotions held by distributors. Users choose which one is best for their financial budget. The fourth factor, the brand. Consumers feel the well-known brands to determine product quality specification. The more valuable the product, means that more people have been successful to benefit from the product and want to find more people to use and practice.
             The next factor is the reaction or testimonials of users. Testimony means recognition of a fact (testimony), proposals from one person to another and also admiration of a result is obtained. In the marketing of a product, testimony is important because the presence of added confidence in their testimony that was employ the product and also to attract more new users to try a product.   Among other factors of concern is the time and easy buying process. Consumers shopping fast and want to use a short time. For example today to buy a health product side we only need to access the internet, find, select products, buy and pay for everything at the fingertips, just click the product is available and waiting to get home in a few days.

                 That's all the motivation factor or  some aspects of motivation that I can share to make the decision to buy a product for the health of ourselves and our loved ones.

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